7 Ways to Make your Life an Adventure!I have just had one of the best adventures of my life! It's not every day that you find yourself in Australia (especially when you'd...
Beauty from Within...Sitting in a Heart Circle Whenever I sit in circle , & we get intimate, and authentic. I always notice how beautiful everyone looks. A...
Why over 50's need weight training...Weight training is something that I've always practiced, and I'm noticing that I want to make it a much more regular practice now that I...
7 Ways to Make your Life an Adventure!I have just had one of the best adventures of my life! It's not every day that you find yourself in Australia (especially when you'd...
Beauty from Within...Sitting in a Heart Circle Whenever I sit in circle , & we get intimate, and authentic. I always notice how beautiful everyone looks. A...
Why over 50's need weight training...Weight training is something that I've always practiced, and I'm noticing that I want to make it a much more regular practice now that I...