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Womb Wisdom

Feeling the need for some loving self-nurture, relaxation and inspiration? 


Come join world class Yoga/Pilates teacher & facilitator Shakti Kali Kaloczi for a nurturing evening and all day virtual retreat in  the comfort of your own cosy space


Yoga and meditation 


Trauma Release

Inner child healing

Abundance Activations


PLUS the additional opportunity for:

*Surrender & receive * relaxing by the virtual pool
* Orgasmic breath, * discounted  1-2-1 session as follow up.

The intention is to offer a loving container where you will experience an evening and a full day days of loving experiential activations and healings. You will be taken on a

journey of reconnection where your healthiest version of self can unfold. 


I am offering all this at only £122 per person.

The usual cost of a private one hour one to one session is £111, so there is high value in this retreat for any woman ready to experience deeper connection to her superpowers.


When women come together into a sacred space of love and integrity, magic happens!

I have been witness to this magic not only in my life but in the lives of my beautiful clients who have committed to walk the path of courage to dare to become more of their true nature. These women experience a deepened connection to the Goddess within. As women, we are made for and from creation, or Shakti energy- the divine feminine energy of passion, purpose, prosperity and abundance!


But we were bought up in a world where the feminine was not honoured for her true magic, instead we were taught to push down our self worth, have shame around our bodies, and guilt around our pleasure and purpose.


Rise Shakti has become the embodiment of all the codes to rediscovering your Queendom within, and honouring the journey you took to arrive here.


Welcome dear beloved sister.


Please feel free to invite any woman you know who is ready to embark on this journey to her sacred feminine magic, and to collectively co crate this community for all conscious women to step into their super powers and shine their light into the new world.



There is a power that resides deep in the body of every woman, including the beautiful you..

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