Lifestyle..... do you love yours?

So i'm just back from my low carb breakfast of delicious mushroom omlette, spinach and advocado and a tumeric and mint juice.

The cafe was absolutely stunning ( see the video here)

The day started with some gentle dance , a few squats and some yoga balances.

I get such enormous pleasure in creating my perfect lifestyle

So, how could you reach your desired lifestyle ?

Do you want to lose weight?

Get fitter?

Clear out some clutter from your life?

Clear your head?

Change your job?

Find YOU?

I am offering a free 30 minute consultation for anyone who is serious about wanting to change their lifestyle.

Because i understand myself how much support is required when we are making any kind of change in our lives.

I've been there.

And i love to support others on their journey to wholeness- mind, body and soul.

And lifestyle is a hugely important component .

E mail me at : and write 'Lifestyle Assessment' as subject.

Have a great day ...

Shakti xxx
